2 - 4 JUNE
Join us on a journey back to the heart. An opportunity to bring a soft and tender revolution into your life. To let go of the restraints you think life holds. To open up for a life in peace, freedom, joy and love.
With our grandparents ended the era of the body. Now is the time to let go of the era of the mind and step into the wisdom of the heart. You are ready to rise up and see the world in a new light. You are ready to take part in the shift from fear to love.
We welcome you to a warm, embracing, open space in a beautiful setting, where you will be invited go deep inside you to the true source of life. To that which your heart and soul long for, to the place where you are love.
During three days you will be guided to rise up and see the world in a new light, To reconnect with your innate ability to be the love and light you want to see in the world. We will meditate, walk in nature, dance, share insights and through different practises find our way home.
How are you? What are you feeling? What are you going through in life?
Come join us embracing a new way of living through our heart with the wisdom of Love Consciousness.
The key to a life in love and joy and to the new world is connection. So let us meet. Let´s connect with ourselves, make connection with each other and connect to the whole.
What if life on earth is a school and everything you experience are opportunities to learn.
What if all the lessons of life are guiding you into being you, to the core of your being where you are light and love.
What if you are done struggling in the school of “hard knocks” and ready to enter into the new. It is time to live the life you always dreamed of.
You are ready for the graduation of the heart.
Liljero is the place where meetings come to life, ideas form and the soul burst into bloom.
Set in the beautiful nature north of Uppsala, in an old Baptist chapel built in 1889. Beautifully furnished into the perfect location for a retreat.
You will have plenty of opportunities to enjoy the forest. And nearby is a natural spring you can drink directly out of.
A place to connect to the whole.
Alberto, an ambassador of the cacao medicine, will guide us through a sacred cacao ceremony which will open up the heart.
Theobroma cacao is known for its mood-elevating effect and contains the "love molecule" PEA that triggers happiness hormones like endorphin, dopamine and noradrenalin.
PEA is an alkaloid that naturally exists in our bodies and it activates feelings of pleasure, drive, focus, creativity, sensory perception and awareness.
After many years of hosting Ecstatic Dance events and participating in Biodanza, the Cristal dance came to Alberto.
The dancing creates a single wave of deep inner connection. Dancing from within we activate our core being, experience freedom, allowing our full expression without identifying.
Afterwards, laying down to rest, you let the whole experience integrate through you heart, to your soul.
Caroline Seblad is an expression of loving, wholehearted flow.
With a caring and assertive divine feminine embrace, she makes
her surrounding a sacred and trustworthy space. In her work she is guiding people back to the heart by sharing her wisdom and beautiful transformational tools. When you meet, you can experience the light that she shines.
Alberto Mateus from Portugal has hosted numerous retreats and gatherings, but this will be his debut in Sweden.
He is the embodiment of healing light who loves to share his gifts and medicine. A freedom lover who finds dancing an amazing way to fully express himself. The divine masculine energy that flows through his being, is naturally supporting personal growth and transformation.